Within the Father's House

1. Within the Father's house The Son hath found His home; And to His temple suddenly The Lord of Life hath come.

2. The doctors of the law Gaze on the wondrous child, And marvel at His gracious words Of wisdom undefiled.

3. Yet not to them is giv'n The mighty truth to know, To lift the fleshly veil which hides Incarnate God below.

4. The secret of the Lord Escapes each human eye, And faithful pond'ring hearts await The full epiphany.

5. Lord, vis-it Thou our souls, And teach us by Thy grace Each dim revealing of Thyself With loving awe to trace;

6. Till from our darkened sight The cloud shall pass away, And on the cleansèd soul shall burst The everlasting day.

7. Till we behold Thy face, And know, as we are known, Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Co-equal Three in One.

Words: James Russell Woodford, 1863.
Music: 'Franconia' Johann Balthasar König, 1738.
Setting: William Henry Havergal, 1847.
copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.

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