Author of All Life

1. Author of all Life, our Father, breathe into our hearts again. Stir our deadness, heal our weakness, crush our evil thoughts so vain. Life Creator, life Redeemer, life Imparter, Source of Truth, Teach us now to love each other, Teach us Lord to love like You.

2. Hearts so hard, we hate each other, those in need we treat with scorn... Old, unwise, or not my color, Palsied limbs, or not yet born. Life Creator, life Redeemer, life Imparter, Three in One, Teach us Lord to see Your Image, Teach us now to see the Son.

3. Christ now grants us life eternal, to know You the one true God, He the Way to see the Father, He the One who felt the rod. Life Creator, life Redeemer, life Imparter, Life conferred! Let us sing of Your atonement, Let all people hear Your Word!

Words: Brian J. Dumont, 12 Oct 2009.
Music: 'Beach Spring' Benjamin F. White, 1844.
Setting: "The Sacred Harp", 1860, alt.
copyright: Words: Copyright 2009, Brian J. Dumont. These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for Christian worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.Music and Setting: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.

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