%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely % distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual % songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed % as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts, % in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which % can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the % "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet. % All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats. % Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate % translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps" % version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product % that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for % a printed church hymnal. % % The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian % dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts % to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database. % If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible. % % This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to % the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of % the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted % to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns. % % This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever. % % I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and % I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to % add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order): % 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable % 2) It must be a Christian piece % 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly, % a MIDI file is usually a terrible source) % 4) Whether I like the hymn :) % % If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please % send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU % FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every % slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure % that there must be mistakes right now. % % Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PAGE LAYOUT % %%pagewidth 21.6000cm %%pageheight 27.9000cm %%scale 0.720000 %%staffsep 1.60000cm %%exprabove false %%measurebox false %OHSCRIP Ps 96:1-3, 1Pt 1:18-19, Rev 5:11-13, Eph 2:8-9 %OHTOPICS {Assurance [3-6]}, {Atonement [4-5,7,10,12,15-19]}, {Blood [4,12]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant) [8]}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant) [8]}, {Comfort}, {Compassion}, {Conversion [5-7,10-19]}, {Day [9]}, {Easter}, {Faith [11,13-14]}, {Forgiveness [4,7,10,16-19]}, {God, As King [1]}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Grace [2,14]}, {Gratitude}, {Healing [6]}, {Heaven [8]}, {Jesus}, {Knowledge [7]}, {Light [16]}, {Love [7-8,12,19]}, {Missions [2]}, {Praise, Son}, {Promises (see also Gospel) [13]}, {Sacrifice}, {Saints (all Faithful) [8]}, {Salvation}, {Sinners}, {Testimony}, {Truth [13]}, {Worship [1-2]} %OHCATEGORY REDEEMER %OHMETRICAL 8 6 8 6 %OHCOMPLEXITY 1 %OHCOMPOSER Gläser, Carl Gotthelf (1784-1829) %OHARRANGER Mason, Lowell (1792-1872) %OHAUTHOR Wesley, Charles (1707-1788) %OHTRANSLATOR none %%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def %%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def %%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0 %%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0 X: 1 T: O For A Thousand Tongues C: Words: Charles Wesley, 1740. Music: 'Azmon' Carl G. Gläser, 1828. Setting: Lowell Mason, 1839. C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision. S: Music source: "The Methodist Hymnal", 1905. Hymn 1. M: 3/2 % time signature L: 1/4 % default length %%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2) V: S1V1 clef=treble %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 V: S1V2 %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 V: S2V1 clef=bass %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 V: S2V2 %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 K: Ab % key signature % %%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1 %%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1 %%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1 %%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1 % % 1 [V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=200] E2 | A A B2 B2 | c B A2 B2 | c c d2 c2 | B4 w: 1.~O for a thou- sand tongues to sing My great Re- deem- er's praise, w: 2.~My gra- cious Mas- ter and my God, A- ssist me to pro- claim, w: 3.~Je- sus! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sor- rows cease; w: 4.~He breaks the pow'r of can- celed sin, He sets the pri- soner free; w: 5.~He speaks, and, lis- tening to His voice, New life the dead re- ceive, [V: S1V2] E2 | E C E2 E2 | E D C2 E2 | E E E2 E2 | E4 [V: S2V1] E,2 | E, A, G,2 G,2 | A, G, A,2 G,2 | A, A, B,2 A,2 | G,4 [V: S2V2] E,2 | C, A,, E,2 E,2 | A, E, F,2 E,2 | A, A, G,2 A,2 | E,4 % 5 [V: S1V1] e2 | e c c2 A2 | A F F2 !sintro!(A F) | E A A2 B2 | A4 !eintro!|] w: The glo- ries of my God and King, The * tri- umphs of His grace! w: To spread through all the earth a- broad The * ho- nors of Thy name. w: 'Tis mu- sic in the sin- ner's ears, 'Tis * life, and health, and peace. w: His blood can make the foul- est clean, His * blood a- vailed for me. w: The mourn- ful, bro- ken hearts re- joice, The * hum- ble poor be- lieve. [V: S1V2] G2 | A E E2 E2 | F D D2 (F D) | C C C2 D2 | C4 |] [V: S2V1] B,2 | C A, A,2 A,2 | A, A, A,2 A,2 | A, A, A,2 G,2 | A,4 |] [V: S2V2] E,2 | A, A, A,2 C,2 | D, D, D,2 D,2 | E, E, E,2 E,2 | A,,4 |] % 9 W:6.Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, W:Your loosened tongues employ; W:Ye blind, behold your Savior come, W:And leap, ye lame, for joy. W: W:7.In Christ your Head, you then shall know, W:Shall feel your sins forgiven; W:Anticipate your heaven below, W:And own that love is heaven. W: W:8.Glory to God, and praise and love W:Be ever, ever given, W:By saints below and saints above, W:The church in earth and heaven. W: W:9.On this glad day the glorious Sun W:Of Righteousness arose; W:On my benighted soul He shone W:And filled it with repose. W: W:10.Sudden expired the legal strife, W:'Twas then I ceased to grieve; W:My second, real, living life W:I then began to live. W: W:11.Then with my heart I first believed, W:Believed with faith divine, W:Power with the Holy Ghost received W:To call the Savior mine. W: W:12.I felt my Lord's atoning blood W:Close to my soul applied; W:Me, me He loved, the Son of God, W:For me, for me He died! W: W:13.I found and owned His promise true, W:Ascertained of my part, W:My pardon passed in heaven I knew W:When written on my heart. W: W:14.Look unto Him, ye nations, own W:Your God, ye fallen race; W:Look, and be saved through faith alone, W:Be justified by grace. W: W:15.See all your sins on Jesus laid: W:The Lamb of God was slain, W:His soul was once an offering made W:For every soul of man. W: W:16.Awake from guilty nature's sleep, W:And Christ shall give you light, W:Cast all your sins into the deep, W:And wash the Æthiop white. W: W:17.Harlots and publicans and thieves W:In holy triumph join! W:Saved is the sinner that believes W:From crimes as great as mine. W: W:18.Murderers and all ye hellish crew, W:Ye sons of lust and pride, W:Believe the Savior died for you; W:For me the Savior died. W: W:19.With me, your chief, ye then shall know, W:Shall feel your sins forgiven; W:Anticipate your heaven below, W:And own that love is heaven.