%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely % distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual % songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed % as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts, % in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which % can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the % "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet. % All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats. % Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate % translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps" % version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product % that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for % a printed church hymnal. % % The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian % dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts % to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database. % If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible. % % This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to % the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of % the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted % to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns. % % This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever. % % I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and % I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to % add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order): % 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable % 2) It must be a Christian piece % 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly, % a MIDI file is usually a terrible source) % 4) Whether I like the hymn :) % % If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please % send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU % FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every % slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure % that there must be mistakes right now. % % Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PAGE LAYOUT % %%pagewidth 21.6000cm %%pageheight 27.9000cm %%scale 0.7500000 %%staffsep 1.60000cm %%exprabove false %%measurebox false %OHSCRIP 1Pt 1:6-9, 1Jn 4:14, Ps 98:1-3, 2Tim 1:9-10, Gal 4:4-5, Rom 3:28 %OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement}, {Blood [8]}, {Brotherhood [6]}, {Christian Life}, {Comfort}, {Compassion [4,5]}, {Crown [5]}, {Father [4]}, {God, As King [5,10]}, {God, Mercy of [4-8]}, {Gospel}, {Grace [4]}, {Gratitude}, {Healing [4]}, {Holy Spirit [9]}, {Jesus [4-9]}, {Joy}, {Judgment [2,3]}, {Kindness, God's [4-8]}, {Praise, Father [1,10]}, {Praise, Son [1,10]}, {Praise, Holy Spirit [1,10]}, {Presence [6-8]}, {Sinners [2,3]} %OHCATEGORY JUSTIFICATION %OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7 %OHCOMPLEXITY 2 %OHCOMPOSER Luther, Martin (1483-1546) %OHARRANGER Schein, Johann Hermann (1586-1630) %OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546) %OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887) %%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def %%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def %%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0 %%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0 X: 1 T: Dear Christians, One and All Rejoice C: Words: Martin Luther, 1523. Translated by Richard Massie, 1854, alt. C: Music: 'Nun Freut Euch' attr. Martin Luther from Etlich Christlich Lider, Wittenberg, 1524. C: Setting: Johann Hermann Schein, 1627. C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision. S: Music source: "The Hymns of Martin Luther" by Bacon, 1883. Setting originally from "Cantional oder Gesangbuch Augburgischer Konfession" by Johann Hermann Schein. M: 4/4 % time signature L: 1/4 % default length %%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2) V: S1V1 clef=treble %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 V: S1V2 %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 V: S2V1 clef=bass %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 V: S2V2 %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 K: G % key signature % %%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1 %%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1 %%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1 %%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1 % % 1 [V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] G2 G D | G c B A | G2 z G | A c B A | (E F) G2 | w: 1.~Dear Christ- ians, one and all re- joice, With ex- ul- ta- tion spring- * ing, w: 2.~Fast bound in Sa- tan's chains I lay. Death brood- ed dark- ly o'er * me; w: 3.~My good works could a- vail me naught, For they with sin were stain- * éd; w: 4.~God saw, in his e- ter- nal grace, My sor- row out of mea- * sure; w: 5.~He spake to his be- lov- ed Son: 'Tis time to take com- pass- * ion; [V: S1V2] D2 D A, | B, E D D | [B,2D2] x D | F A G F | (E D) D2 | [V: S2V1] B,2 B, A, | G, G, G, F, | G,2 z B, | D E D A, | A,2 B,2 | [V: S2V2] G,2 G, F, | E, C, D, D, | G,,2 x G, | D, A,, B,, D, | (C, D,) G,,2 | % 5 [V: S1V1] G2 G D | G c B A | G2 z G | A c B A | (E F) G2 | w: And with u- ni- ted heart and voice And ho- ly rap- ture sing- * ing, w: Sin was my tor- ment night and day, There- in my mo- ther bore * me. w: Free- will a- gainst God's judg- ment fought, And dead to good re- main- * éd. w: He thought u- pon his ten- der- ness To save was his good pleas- * ure. w: Then go, bright je- wel of my crown, And bring to man sal- va- * tion; [V: S1V2] D2 D A, | B, E D D | [B,2D2] x D | F A G F | (E D) D2 | [V: S2V1] B,2 B, A, | G, G, G, F, | G,2 z B, | D E D A, | A,2 B,2 | [V: S2V2] G,2 G, F, | E, C, D, D, | G,,2 x G, | D, A,, B,, D, | (C, D,) G,,2 | % 13 [V: S1V1] z G c B | c d d ^c | d2 z d | e c d3/2 c/ | w: Pro- claim the won- ders God hath done, How his right arm the w: Deep- er and deep- er still I fell, Life was be- come a w: Grief drove me to des- pair, and I Had no- thing left me w: He turn'd to me a Fa- ther's heart\- Not small the cost to w: From sin and sor- row set him free, Slay bit- ter death for [V: S1V2] x D E D | G F E E | F2 x G | G =F =F E | [V: S2V1] z B, G, G, | G, A, B, A, | A,2 z B, | C A, B, G, | [V: S2V2] x G, C, G, | E, F, G, A, | D,2 x G, | C, =F, D, E, | % 17 [V: S1V1] B A G2 | z !sintro!B A D | G A (B A) | G4 !eintro!|] w: vic- t'ry won; Right dear- ly it hath cost * him. w: li- ving hell, So firm- ly sin po- ssessed * me. w: but to die, To hell I fast was sink- * ing. w: heal my smart He gave his best and dear- * est. w: him, that he May live with thee for- ev- * er. [V: S1V2] D D [B,2D2] | x D D D | E C D2 | [B,4D4] |] [V: S2V1] G, F, G,2 | z G, F, G, | E, E, G, F, | G,4 |] [V: S2V2] G, D, G,,2 | x G, D, B,, | C, A,, G,, D, | G,,4 |] % 20 %%newpage %%multicol start %%leftmargin 6cm %%begintext obeylines justify %% 6.\tThe Son delighted to obey, And born of Virgin mother, %% \t\t\t\tAwhile on this low earth did stay That he might be my brother. %% \t\t\t\tHis mighty power he hidden bore, %% \t\t\t\tA servant's form like mine he wore, To bind the devil captive. %% %% 7.\tTo me he spake : cling fast to me, Thou'lt win a triumph worthy: %% \t\t\t\tI wholly give myself for thee, I strive and wrestle for thee; %% \t\t\t\tFor I am thine, thou mine also; %% \t\t\t\tAnd where I am thou art. The foe Shall never more divide us. %% %% 8.\tFor he shall shed my precious blood, Me of my life bereaving; %% \t\t\t\tAll this I suffer for thy good; Be steadfast and believing. %% \t\t\t\tMy life from death the day shall win, %% \t\t\t\tMy righteousness shall bear thy sin, So art thou blest forever. %% %% 9.\tNow to my Father I depart, From earth to heaven ascending; %% \t\t\t\tThence heavenly wisdom to impart, The Holy Spirit sending. %% \t\t\t\tHe shall in trouble comfort thee, %% \t\t\t\tTeach thee to know and follow me, And to the truth conduct thee. %% %% 10. What I have done and taught, do thou To do and teach endeavor; %% \t\t\t\tSo shall my kingdom flourish now, And God be praised forever. %% \t\t\t\tTake heed lest men with base alloy %% \t\t\t\tThe heavenly treasure should destroy. This counsel I bequeath thee. %%endtext %%multicol end