%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely % distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual % songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed % as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts, % in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which % can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the % "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet. % All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats. % Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate % translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps" % version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product % that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for % a printed church hymnal. % % The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian % dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts % to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database. % If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible. % % This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to % the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of % the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted % to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns. % % This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever. % % I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and % I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to % add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order): % 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable % 2) It must be a Christian piece % 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly, % a MIDI file is usually a terrible source) % 4) Whether I like the hymn :) % % If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please % send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU % FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every % slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure % that there must be mistakes right now. % % Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PAGE LAYOUT % %%pagewidth 21.6000cm %%pageheight 27.9000cm %%scale 0.730000 %%staffsep 1.60000cm %%exprabove false %%measurebox false %OHSCRIP Is 53:1-12, Ex 12:5, Jn 1:29 %OHTOPICS {Anticipation [10]}, {Aspiration [7-8]}, {Assurance}, {Atonement [1-4]}, {Blood [4,7,10]}, {Calmness [9-10]}, {Christian Life [5-8]}, {Comfort [9-10]}, {Commitment [5-8]}, {Compassion [1-3]}, {Cross [4,9]}, {Crown [10]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [5]}, {Discipleship [5-7]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Eternal Life [9-10]}, {Faithfulness [1-4]}, {Father [2-3]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith [5-8]}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification [5-8]}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Love of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Grace [1-4]}, {Gratitude}, {Heaven [10]}, {Jesus}, {Joy [8,10]}, {Light [5]}, {Love}, {Obedience [1-3]}, {Priest/Priestly Roles [1-4]}, {Reverence}, {Sacrifice}, {Salvation [2,10]}, {Shepard/Lamb}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [10]} %OHCATEGORY LENT %OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 7 %OHCOMPLEXITY 2 %OHCOMPOSER Dachstein, Wolfgang Egenolf (circa 1487-1553) %OHARRANGER unknown %OHAUTHOR Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676) %OHTRANSLATOR composite %%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def %%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def %%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0 %%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0 X: 1 T: A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth C: Words: Paul Gerhardt, 1648. Translation composite. C: Music: 'An Wasserflüssen Babylon' Wolfgang Dachstein, 1525. Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931. C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision. S: Music source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1931 Hymn 191. S: Translation is public domain per Project Wittenberg: http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/wittenberg/hymns/lambgoes.txt M: 4/4 % time signature L: 1/4 % default length %%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2) V: S1V1 clef=treble %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 V: S1V2 %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 V: S2V1 clef=bass %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 V: S2V2 %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1 K: F % key signature % %%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1 %%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1 %%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1 %%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1 % % 1 [V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] c2 d c | A2 c2 | B B A2 | G2 A B | c2 (B A) | G2 F2 | w: 1.~A Lamb goes un- com- plain- ing forth, The guilt of all men * bear- ing; w: 2.~This Lamb is Christ, the soul's great Friend, The Lamb of God, our * Sa- vior; w: 3.~"Yea, Fa- ther, yea, most will- ing- ly I'll bear what Thou com- * man- dest; w: 4.~Thou lay'st Him, Love, u- pon the cross, With nails and spear Him * bruis- ing; w: 5.~Lord, all my life I'll cleave to Thee, Thy love for- e'er be- * hold- ing, [V: S1V2] F2 F E | F2 F2 | F E F2 | E2 F F | F2 F2 | (F E) F2 | [V: S2V1] A,2 B, G, | F,2 C2 | D B, C2 | C2 C D | C2 (D C) | C2 A,2 | [V: S2V2] F,2 B,, C, | D,2 A,,2 | B,, G,, F,,2 | C,2 F, D, | A,,2 (B,, F,) | C,2 F,,2 | % 5 [V: S1V1] c2 d c | A2 c2 | B B A2 | G2 A B | c2 (B A) | G2 F2 | w: And la- den with the sins of earth, None else the bur- den * shar- ing! w: Him God the Fa- ther chose to send To gain for us His * fa- vor. w: My will con- forms to Thy de- cree, I do what Thou de- * man- dest." w: Thou slay'st Him as a lamb, His loss from soul and bod- y * ooz- ing; w: Thee ev- er, as Thou ev- er me, With lo- ving arms en- * fold- ing. [V: S1V2] F2 F E | F2 F2 | F E F2 | E2 F F | F2 F2 | (F E) F2 | [V: S2V1] A,2 B, G, | F,2 C2 | D B, C2 | C2 C D | C2 (D C) | C2 A,2 | [V: S2V2] F,2 B,, C, | D,2 A,,2 | B,, G,, F,,2 | C,2 F, D, | A,,2 (B,, F,) | C,2 F,,2 | % 13 [V: S1V1] F2 G A | B2 G2 | A G F2 | F2 A B | c2 d2 | w: Goes pa- tient on, grow weak and faint, To slaugh- ter led with- w: "Go forth, My Son," the Fa- ther saith, "And free men from the w: O won- drous Love, what hast Thou done! The Fa- ther o- ffers w: From bo- dy 'tis the crim- son flood Of pre- cious sac- ri- w: Yea, Thou shalt be my Bea- con- light, To guide me safe through [V: S1V2] C2 E F | F2 E2 | F E C2 | D2 F F | E2 F2 | [V: S2V1] A,2 C C | D2 C2 | C C A,2 | B,2 C F, | G,2 B,2 | [V: S2V2] F,2 C, F, | B,,2 C,2 | F, C, F,,2 | B,,2 F, D, | C,2 B,,2 | % 17 [V: S1V1] A =B c2 | z2 A2 | c d c A | B2 A2 | d2 d d | w: out com- plaint, That spot- less life to o- ffer; Bears shame and w: fear of death, From guilt and con- dem- na- tion. The wrath and w: up His Son! The Son, con- tent, de- scend- eth! O Love, how w: fi- cial blood From soul, the strength of an- guish: My gain it w: death's dark night. And cheer my heart in sor- row; Hence- forth my- [V: S1V2] F F E2 | x2 F2 | F F E D | D2 D2 | F2 F F | [V: S2V1] A, F, G,2 | z2 F,2 | F, B, G, F, | G,2 ^F,2 | F,2 B, B, | [V: S2V2] D, D, C,2 | x2 D,2 | A,, B,, C, D, | G,,2 D,2 | B,,2 D, B,, | % 25 %%newpage [V: S1V1] G2 c2 | B2 A2 | G4 | B2 A G | F2 G2 | w: stripes, and wounds and death, An- guish and mock- er- w: stripes are hard to bear, But by Thy Pa- ssion w: strong Thou art to save! Thou bed- dest Him with- w: is; sweet Lamb to Thee What can I give, whose w: self and all that's mine To Thee, my Sa- vior, [V: S1V2] _E2 G2 | G2 (G ^F) | D4 | D2 F E | D2 D2 | [V: S2V1] B,2 _E2 | D2 D2 | B,4 | G,2 C C | A,2 B,2 | [V: S2V2] _E,2 C,2 | G,,2 D,2 | G,,4 | G,,2 A,, C, | D,2 G,,2 | % 29 [V: S1V1] (E F) D2 | C2 !sintro!C2 | F G A B | (c3/2 B/ A B | G2) F2 !eintro!|] w: y, * and saith, "Will- ing all this I suf- * * * * fer." w: men * shall share The fruit of Thy sal- va- * * * * tion." w: in * the grave Whose word the moun- tains ren- * * * * deth. w: love * to me For me doth make Thee lan- * * * * guish? w: I * con- sign, From whom all things I bor- * * * * row. [V: S1V2] C3 =B, | C2 C2 | D E F F | (E2 F2- | F E) F2 |] [V: S2V1] A,2 G,2 | E,2 A,2 | A, C C D | (G, C2 D | C2) A,2 |] [V: S2V2] (A,, F,,) G,,2 | C,2 F,2 | D, C, F, D, | (C,2 F, B,, | C,2) F,,2 |] % 34 W: 6.From morn till eve my theme shall be W: Thy mercy's wondrous measure; W: To sacrifice myself for Thee W: Shall be my aim and pleasure. W: My stream of life shall ever be W: A current flowing ceaselessly, W: Thy constant praise outpouring. W: I'll treasure in my memory, W: O Lord, all Thou hast done for me, W: Thy gracious love adoring. W: W: 7.Enlarge, my heart's own shrine, and swell, W: To thee shall now be given W: A treasure that doth far excel W: The worth of earth and heaven. W: Away with the Arabian gold, W: With treasures of an earthly mold! W: I've found a better jewel. W: My priceless treasure, Lord my God, W: Is Thy most holy, precious blood, W: Which flowed from wounds so cruel. W: W: 8.This treasure ever I'll employ, W: This every aid shall yield me; W: In sorrow it shall be my joy, W: In conflict it shall shield me; W: In joy, the music of my feast, W: And when all else has lost its zest, W: This manna still shall feed me; W: In thirst my drink; in want my food; W: My company in solitude, W: To comfort and to lead me. W: W: 9.Of death I am no more afraid, W: New life from Thee is flowing; W: Thy cross affords me cooling shade W: When noonday's sun is glowing. W: When by my grief I am oppressed, W: On Thee my weary soul shall rest W: Serenely as on pillows. W: Thou art my Anchor when by woe W: My bark is driven to and fro W: On trouble's surging billows. W: W: 10.And when Thy glory I shall see W: And taste Thy kingdom's pleasure, W: Thy blood my royal robe shall be, W: My joy beyond all measure. W: When I appear before Thy throne, W: Thy righteousness shall be my crown- W: With these I need not hide me. W: And there, in garments richly wrought W: As Thine own bride, I shall be brought W: To stand in joy beside Thee.